Student, Developer & Researcher


I am Harshit, currently pursuing Masters in CS @ OTU

I love programming as well as Photography, Reading and 3D Printing.

I babysit GPUs in between coding sessions : )

Sept 2023 - Current
Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada

Started my Masters in Computer Science at Ontario Tech University. A Thesis-based program with research focus on Vehicular Networks and Machine Learning. Recipient of Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship.

Additionally, I am/was the Teaching Assistant for various Undergraduate and Graduate Courses, primarily assigned to lead hands-on tutorials, grade assessments, and solve student queries.

Courses TAed- Intro to Cloud Services, Database Systems, IT Forensics, Technology Management, Cybercrime and Small Business Management.

March - Sept 2024
Remote, Canada
Research Assistant at Athabasca University

Worked on developing and enhancing the Advanced Analytics Tool (AAT) under the supervision of Dr. Sabine Graf

AAT allows users without computer science skills to directly access and analyze the huge amounts of educational data stored within LMSs.

The tool is built using Vue.js, PHP and Tailwind.

Feb - July 2023
Remote, India
External Consultant @ Stigmata Techno Solutions

After a successful 1 Month Internship, I worked with Stigmata Techno Solutions as an External Consultant working on several development projects.

July - Oct 2022
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Mitacs Globalink Research Intern

In-person Research Internship to develop OMEGA+ under Dr. Sabine Graf and Dr. Maiga Chang at Athabasca University. OMEGA+ enables users to learn and improve important meta-cognitive skills in a fun way through gaming.

The tool is built using PHP, JS, Pixi.js and Phaser.

June - July 2022
Chennai, India
CCPS Research Intern at VIT

I was a Research Intern at the Centre for Cyber Physical systems, Vellore Institute of Technology.

The research focused on the relevance of IP Addresses to find unidentified participants based on their digital fingerprint.

Aug - Dec 2021
Remote, United States
Web Developer and Analyst at Maxxed Studios

As a web development team member at Maxxed Studio, I was responsible for building customized websites to meet the client's expectations. I also coordinated closely with the Team to ensure our sites were optimized, secure and met the appropriate compliance standards. During my time at Maxxed Studio, I worked on over 25+ Projects.

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
B.Tech @ VIT

Pursued my Bachelor's of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, One of India's most prestigious colleges. 

As a student, I was involved in various co-curricular activities, some of which included:


Application Layer Denial of Service Attack Mitigation by Traffic Queuing

DOI: 10.1109/ICRTAC59277.2023.10480793

Conference: IEEE ICRTAC || Presentation: 15th Dec, 2023 || Track: Machine Learning and Deep Learning


Get In Touch

Serious Enquiries please send me a message on Linkedin.

Alternatively, you can reach out via my email which can be found in my CV.